Training Your Gut


Training Your Gut outlines the key principles that guide my approach to helping you improve your digestion and overall well-being. I'll share some tips and tools to help you get started on your journey to better gut health. Let's dive in! Below are five core principles that I believe are essential to achieving optimal digestive health.


- Start where you're at: We all have different starting points when it comes to our gut health. It's important to be honest with yourself about where you're at and set realistic goals for improvement.

- What does gut health mean to you: Gut health is a broad term that can mean different things to different people. Take some time to reflect on what it means to you, and how you can work towards improving it.

- There is no right or wrong answer: Improving your gut health is a personal journey that involves trial and error. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, so don't be afraid to try different things and see what works best for you.

- Why do you want to work on your gut health: Understanding your "why" can be a powerful motivator for improving your gut health. Whether it's to feel better, improve your overall health and wellness, or simply to live your life to the fullest, identifying your why can help you stay committed to your gut health goals.

- Choosing the perfect gut health tea for you: It can be tough to navigate the world of herbal teas, but don't worry – we've got you covered! We offer a variety of gut health teas that are specifically formulated to support healthy digestion.

Think of me as your friendly neighborhood tea shop – I'm here to help you find the perfect blend to fit your unique needs and tastes. I am passionate about using only the best ingredients, so you can trust that you're getting the highest quality tea for your digestive health journey.